Hopi Ear Candling - a great treatment all year round! |
- Published: Thursday, 24 February 2011 01:24
Ear Candling originates from the Native American Hopi Indians and can help many ear, nose and throat problems such as sinusitis, sore throats, snoring and much more. Ear Candling also has emotional benefits by inducing calmness and alleviating stress. The 'candle' is actually a tube made of flax and impregnated with beeswax, honey, herbs and essential oils such as sage, camomile and St. John's Wort. Each candle contains a filter that prevents any liquid wax from re-entering the ear. During a treatment both ears are checked using an otoscope before the candling. One candle at a time is lit, inserted into the ear, and held in place by the therapist, whilst you lie comfortably on your side on the treatment couch. Each candle takes approximately ten minutes to burn. The vapours from the candle penetrate the ear and create tiny vibrations; these gently massage the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and draw any impurities to the surface. Excess pressure is released within the inner ear, which can prove very helpful for people who suffer from pain in their ears during a plane journey or whilst diving. The enriched vapour protects and soothes the auditory canal. The treatment concludes with a relaxing Aromatherapy head, face and neck massage. If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please call Ruth at Caterham Osteopaths on 01883 331006. |