Anji Reeves from Rowland Brothers Funeral Services in Warlingham has achieved the highest marks in London for her recent London Association of Funeral Directors’ (LAFD) exam (part of the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD)).
At the LAFD presentation, Anji’s score of 84% for ‘Funeral Arranging and Administration’ was heralded as the highest in London. This success helped secure her ideal position at Rowland Brothers, but also landed her the role of Secretary of the local branch of the LAFD.
Before joining Rowland Brothers, one time hairdresser Anji had gained industry experience with another funeral services company.
Anji had gained first hand knowledge of Rowland Brothers as a client after bereavements in her own family.
Angi said: “It was very important to me to work for a family firm and having dealt with Rowland Brothers through my own experiences, the company was close to my heart and I now feel it is an honour to work here.”
Anji is also a keen fundraiser and her efforts for local charities have featured in the local press.
To find out more about arranging a funeral with Rowland Brothers, call the Warlingham branch on 01883 623067.