What is it that every successful charity, large or small, must have? The answer isn't immediately obvious. It's a team of dedicated, talented volunteers who make up the Executive Committee or Board of Trustees.
They are as diverse a group as you will find in any community. They share responsibility for the governance, direction and financial prudence of their chosen charity. Each member of the team brings a unique skill or expertise to the role.
Committees usually meet just six or so times a year and have one principle objective. It is to guarantee a continuation of the valuable work their charity supports. This is a volunteering role for people with the maturity to question in a constructive way. Trustees need to be innovative and pro-active in seeking solutions, possessing the ability to appreciate and motivate their team of committed volunteers and in some cases paid staff.
Do you have the skills local charities need? Do you have experience in project management, marketing, finance, HR or legal knowledge? Are you blessed with common sense? You could do so much for your local community by sharing your know-how.
Want to know more? Please ring me, Marion Piggott, at the Volunteer Centre, 01883 344444, email:caterhamvc@ owen29.wanadoo.c o.uk, or visit our website: www.surreycommunity.info/ tvsc/. Alternatively, come along and meet us every third Friday at Warlingham Park Bowls Club; next session is Friday 19 March, 10.00 - 12.00 am. This is in addition to our sessions every first Friday in Warlingham Library - held next on 7th May 10.30-11.30am, after their refurbishment.