The autumn hues are appearing fast, and are a constant reminder that winter is just around the corner, despite the mind-set that says summer should arrive soon! Unbelievably, I still have some plants waiting to go in for the summer display, which is unprecedented, but it has been an exceptional year, what with the early water restrictions, the three-month deluge, and for us, the building of a new garden room.
Building and lawns are not a happy partnership. Despite everyone’s best efforts there were plenty of patches. So a lot of time has been spent topping up, levelling off with ‘lawn top dressing’, and then reseeding.
Winter colour is always a priority so I am planting bulbs in prominent places that can be viewed from the house and new garden room. I love the little Tête a Tête daffs, and Anemone Blanda (blue shades especially, though you can get white or pink). They look like a large flowered Michaelmas daisy that hugs the ground. They disappear in summer, so mark their whereabouts. My favourite tulips, which of all bulbs, can be planted last, are the Little Red Riding Hood variety. I am not expecting many tulip bulbs to come through from last year as they like to be baked by the sun!
Cuttings of cherished, or susceptible plants continue, the Erysimums especially, as they put on non-stop colour for two years before becoming too woody. Bowles Mauve is the best known. I use a mix of multi-purpose compost and perlite (to aid drainage).