In this first column of 2010, I would like to share some good news from the end of last year.
Following an alert via 'Shopwatch' radio, the local neighbourhood officers arrested a woman on suspicion of shop-lifting in Caterham Valley. Once again this partnership between ourselves and the Caterham Business community continues to thwart those who visit the area with the sole intention of committing crime.
The Woldingham Neighbourhood Watch had success in a national NHW competition and won an award. This is a first for any Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch so watch (excuse the pun!) this space for further details!
Last month also saw me helping to judge de Stafford School's Talent Competition and I want to say what a memorable evening I had. The young people who got up on stage were just amazing and a credit to themselves and everyone involved with them. I and my fellow judges had a difficult decision to choose the eventual winner. Well done to all competitors and a huge 'thank you' for letting me be involved.
Looking forward, Surry Police is to undergo a restructure so what does this mean to you? In summary it is about creating up to 200 police constable posts to tackle antisocial behaviour, increase capacity within neighbourhoods and reduce serious criminality. Importantly, these bold changes aim to ensure that Surrey Police is a financially sustainable Force. The proposals were agreed in principle at a Police Authority meeting on 10th December. There will now be more detailed planning and then implementation during 2010 /2011. I will of course keep you informed throughout the process.
A Happy New Year to you all!