Open letter from Keith Jecks, Chair of the Planning Policy Committee, Tandridge District Council |
- Published: Tuesday, 18 September 2018 08:11
Thank you to everyone who took part in the recent Draft Local Plan Consultation (Regulation 19). All representations will be published on our website, as soon as practicably possible. This will take time as some of the responses are very detailed, for example one attachment to a developer’s response was more than 600 pages.
Listening to the views of people living in different wards in the district has been a key part of the Local Plan preparation. We all know there is a critical shortage of housing across the country, especially homes younger people can afford or older people can downsize to. It is difficult for us to balance this requirement with our desire to protect our district, but we think the proposed Local Plan delivers the correct balance.
Many have criticised the plan, but no-one has suggested any alternative. Our Local Plan: 2033 is not just about housing. We are taking full advantage of the opportunities managed development can bring including employment, new schools, health and transport improvements.
The plan we have created has been soundly prepared and takes account of our constraints, such as Green Belt, our valued landscape and infrastructure capacity, to the extent the regulations allow. Developers have submitted far more sites than our evidence demonstrates are appropriate for development. The developers and those parties which think we can do more are arguing our housing delivery is too low and the value we place on the Green Belt and our environment is too high.
We will put up a robust defence of the Green Belt and the character of our district, but we have formidable opponents in the developers, of which many of the largest have formed a syndicate (Tandridge Housing Forum) to push for much higher housing numbers.
Even if you do not feel you can get behind the Plan, I am sure you will support our efforts to make sure the outcome is right for our district.
Many of you have contacted me with your questions about the Draft Local Plan, which I have been answering individually. Quite a few questions have come up several times, so I thought it would be useful to provide some of the answers here.
Why are we asking for responses about legal compliance and soundness at this stage?
How can we be sure the thousands of new jobs will actually arrive?
Given the geographical advantage of our proximity to Gatwick airport, London and the coast, we will capitalise on this and be ambitious in benefiting our residents.
How will we deliver rail improvements to South Godstone station?
What about J6 on the M25?
We are continuing to liaise with Highways England and Surrey County Council about this, so a planned programme for delivery can be put in place. A full feasibility assessment is currently being prepared, which will contain more detail about the proposed scheme and a revised costing, which is likely to be far lower than the original estimate of £200m.
Do we have a viable partner for the South Godstone development?
Our Local Plan is far more than building houses. It is an infrastructure-led plan, underpinned by a sound economic strategy. At least 1,000 of the new homes in South Godstone will be genuinely affordable, to help meet the needs of people on the Council’s housing register so we can build homes for our existing residents who need them.
Once the plan is adopted and we start drawing up the South Godstone Garden Community Area Action Plan, which will set out the detail of how the Garden Community will be developed, it will bring to life the aspirations we have set out in the Draft Local Plan and demonstrate how it will benefit the whole district. We will be inviting you all to be involved in this and to help shape the development.
Please e-mail me directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." target="_blank">cllr.keith.jecks@tandridgedc.
Yours sincerely,
Keith Jecks Chair of the Planning Policy Committee |